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05.10.2021., 09:00 - 17:00

State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM, together with Russian universities training foreign students in nuclear and related fields, is holding a virtual DAY OF RUSSIAN NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES in Bulgaria, Czech, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia on October 5, 2021.
The event will be held in the format of a Live Stream on YouTube from 09.00 to 10.00 am Belgrade. Please register at https://forms.gle/4jk1EqGWYkkaLXaL9 and get a link to Live Stream.
Representatives of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University will give the lectures about power and non-power applications of nuclear technologies, introduce Russian achievements in the nuclear field, and give some practical information about the universities training the students majoring in nuclear technologies and related fields.
09.00 – 09.30 Lecture 1 (high school and university level)
Atoms for Peace: Technology of the Future
by Associate Professor Evgeny Kulikov, National Research Nuclear University „MEPhI“
09.30 – 10.00 Lecture 2 (university level)
Application of Nuclear Technologies: Nuclear Desalination
by Associate Professors Sadeghi Khashayar and Ghazaie Seyed Hadi, Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University